Motorist and bicycle collide even though bicyclist had the right of way.
Car gets too close and sideswipes bicyclist causing them to overcorrect the bike to avoid getting hit by vehicle.
A driver opens their door in front of bicyclist and the bike can’t stop in time. The bicyclist is either knocked down, knocked into or forced to swerve into traffic, often being struck or runover by another vehicle.
Car coming towards bicyclist makes a left turn right in front or right into the bike.
Car passes bicyclist and then tries to make a right turn directly in front or right into the bike.
Bicyclist stops at a red light on the right of stopped vehicle; when the light turns green bicyclist moves forward and the car drives right into the bike.
Bicyclist enters the roadway out of a driveway or an alley and has little to no time to stop or avoid vehicle coming straight for bike.
The bicyclist proceeds to cross the intersection before it is safe and collides with oncoming motorist.
Bicyclist rides the wrong way of oncoming traffic and is struck by motorist.
Bicyclist rides out into enters the roadway from a driveway, alley or curb without slowing, stopping, or looking for traffic and is hit by a passing car.
Bicyclist make a left-hand turn without looking to the rear or signaling and and collides with an overtaking motor vehicle.
Bicyclist is riding on sidewalk and rides out onto the crosswalk where he or she is struck by a vehicle.